Troop Out Out. COVID 19 in.

Game 2: (2-0-0)
4 September vs. St. James at home in the Clevinger-Cobb cup. (7-0)

Well, gone was all the pomp and circumstance that this game is known for. And also gone was the normal 1-goal game this match is also known for. 

We continued our assault on the Deadballs-in-a-Season record, as we cashed 6 more tonight to go with the 5 from last night. 

And we did score one from the field late; well, DJ did. So we have that streak alive as well. 

This was a close match for quite a while (first half of the first half it was still scoreless and a very close 2-0–the most dangerous score in soccer—at the half). We needed to get to 3 before they got to 1. We did finally about 15 minutes into the second half.

What would a Thunder/Saint game be without a whole lot of intensity all over the field? We may not have had the walk-in, the bins everywhere for donations, the flag that would fill half-the-field, or a ball-drop from the overflying plane, but we had all of the boys playing their hearts out.

Mrs. Pope did create matching facemasks for boys that just honor the colors of Saint Thomas Aquinas—so that was pretty cool. We did have our new President, Dr. Fallon there to catch his first St. James vs. Saint Thomas Aquinas soccer game. And I think it was the largest small crowd I can imagine with masks everywhere.

B named Zayveon and Arquez as the Men of the Match. Both scored nice, nice goals, but both were part of that stifling defense we played tonight that helped keep the sheet clean again. Zayveon was also the SJA broadcast team Man of the Match. 

It's was great that Mrs.Wirt came back to broadcast our match on Facebook Live; and what fun seeing last year's captain and centerback extraordinaire, Gabe Kraft, with our managers and graduate-manager, Greta Woolway.

STATS (You can catch this match on-Demand at )

First Half: Saints. Shots: 15 (10) Corners: 5 (White 2, Morrissette, Farrar, Russell)

20:44 Farrar (Kitts taken down just inside the box allowing the PK). 

16:14 White (after Consuegra is fouled outside the box, DJ puts to use Juan's free shot lessons)

SJA: Shots: 3 (2) Corners: 2

Second Half: 

Saints: Shots: 13 (10)  Corners: 3 (Morrissette, Young, Eames)

26:31 Russell (Bryson's beautiful corner highlights the goal of the night as Zay displays some ups and finishing ability at the back post) (SJA broadcaster quotes Rex with "you can't sneak a piece of cheese by a hungry rat.") 

15:14 Vance (Farrar places the long deadball just over the line for a chest down and touch in)

13:59 Kitts (another well-run deadball by the crew and Barrett runs over the ball to receive it from Welch)

8:48 Morrisette (Welch free-kick to the back-post finds a nice full volley)

1:55 White (Konnesky goes 2-minute drill with DJ, who buries it)

SJA: Shots: 2 Corners: 0

The Clevinger-Cobb trophy honors Aquinas alumni and varsity soccer players Peter Clevenger and Aaron Cobb. 

Both of these young men left us too early in life and so we choose to honor their time with us, their enthusiasm for the game, and their memories every year on this occasion. 

This trophy serves as a reminder to all that our lives are in God's hands and we should live and play each day with happy, grateful hearts.


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